It is also possible to spend a bit of cheap OSRS gold grace when you recolor your attire pieces in the Great City of Kourend but you must earn 100% favor with any of the homes. There are seven distinct color options available: purple and two blue shades, white, green, red, and yellow. There's also a standard one to those who want for a return to the older color. The NPC who can colour your armor is called Osten and is situated in Shayzien home of Great Kourend.
If you're interested in starting taking part in Agility the best way to start is to begin by doing quests. They provide a higher amount of efficiency per time as opposed to regular training methods. Successfully completing Recruitment Drive The Tourist Trap, Recruitment Drive, And The Grand Tree quests will get an Agility beginner from level 1 to 32 within a small amount of time.
The course is located in Tree Gnome Stronghold and is very straightforward and low effort. Make sure to go through each obstacle in the order that can result in better experience. To reach level 5 it should be 10 minutes long, and 10 levels should take roghly 30 minutes. This course requires the completion of one task to get into Tree Gnome Stronghold. You will need to assist NPC at the gate. This will be a matter of a few seconds. This is the most Agility arena suitable for beginners.
After you reach RuneScape Membership level 10, you can head toward Draynor Village. Although it's a basic course, where you could risk harming yourself by failing obstacles, food isn't necessary since you'll be able recharge your hit points much faster than causing harm to yourself.