Working for somebody may have its advantages Telephone Number List and disadvantages. When you enter a contract to work for somebody, there is a fixed salary, wage or compensation that would be given to you by your employer. Unlike if you own the business, profits could go up or down depending on the performance Telephone Number List of your business in the industry.
But as an employee, you will usually have a fixed Telephone Number List compensation and sometimes fringe benefits as added financial benefits for the services you render. Somehow this is liked by several members of the labor Telephone Number List market since you have a steady means of income even if the industry is not doing very well. Sometimes it has its disadvantages.
Like when companies Telephone Number List retrench employees meaning lay off, which they call streamlining to save on labor cost and restructure their companies in a way that they use less man power to save on cost. This is a difficult situation for an employee, if it happens, he or she have to look for a new job and compete Telephone Number List with other would be employees in the job market Owning your own company.